Is Amber Heard Going To Hire Scott Peterson’s PR Team? Why Johnny Depp Fans Should Worry

by Tabitha Kent

I have to admit, I haven’t been following the Depp/Heard trial that closely but unless you live under a rock, it’s impossible to not catch the highlights as well as the general attitude of those tuning in.
People appear to harbor a strong dislike towards Amber Heard. The impassioned testimonies of men, who, for the first time, dare speak out about their own experiences as domestic violence survivors, and the women who, finally, defend and validate their experiences is refreshing to behold.
But… just when they think it can’t get any worse in relation to how Heard first managed to destroy Depp’s reputation, cost him any a lucrative job and cast doubt on the sincerity of his many pro-social projects, let me tell you it can. Although currently the majority of the Western world appears to be very pro-Depp, in part thanks to his own testimony in court, the evidence tapes, the eyewitnesses and character witnesses, Amber Heard could hire Scott Peterson’s PR Team.
If you are Team Johnny Depp, they will make your blood boil with what they do to “polish a turd.” No pun intended. Really. That’s their job. To take a turd and make people think it’s a rose.

For those wondering how Amber Heards defamation trial has anything to do with Scott Peterson’s murder trial, let me tell you right now, no, obviously there’s no relation between the two cases. But this isn’t what this is about. Instead, this piece is about public opinion and the teams of people who work around the clock trying to change it. It’s about social engineering of the highest degree. To save you time on figuring out if you hate me or not, I’ll tell you upfront I’m team Johnny Depp.
When the trial resumed two days after this post had been published, ironically, a deception expert made the comment that Amber Heard scored between a Scott Peterson and Ted Bundy for them, so it appears we weren’t entirely off with this post and the parallels we drew:

Click this link to the video clip in former prosecutor and current legal broadcaster Vinnie Politan’s Facebook group.

First, a little bit of history:

Back between 2003-2005, Scott Peterson had the same type of negative PR that Amber Heard currently has. He would lie to everyone, from his family, to his girlfriend, to investigators, to lawyers, to the news media, get caught, and then twist that lie into something even more elaborate.
He would destroy evidence and then throw up roadblocks that stalled the investigation.
When his wife initially went missing, he refused to do interviews to help find her, going as far as refusing to work with John Walsh from “America’s Most Wanted.” But…once Peterson’s affair went public, a press tour to clear his name of being a cheater was in full swing, although Scott Peterson was accused of murder. Priorities, am I right?

“Wait,” You may say, “I don’t know what this has to do with the things Amber Heard is accused of though.” Alright, let’s make a list, shall we? You mentally list all the scandalous things Amber Heard has done, and I’ll continue with my list of everything Peterson did in order for the public to lose faith in him… See where I’m going now?
Peterson lied to law enforcement about how he cut his hand the day Laci disappeared, soaked his own boat cover in gasoline and shoved it in a backyard shed, lied to his own mother, friends and family when taking multiple trips in different rented cars to the San Francisco Bay to spy on search efforts.
He predicted to his girlfriend Amber Frey that he’d lose his wife before the 2002 holiday season and poof! It happens. He eventually admitted that he hadn’t lost his wife, as he had stated to her on 12/9/2002. In fact, she’s alive, he then suddenly claimed. Not just that, but she was allegedly alive in Modesto! Curious how everyone was looking for Laci, unaware of her whereabouts, and yet Peterson was the only one to deliver that odd remark.

A hair of Laci’s is found clamped in the pliers that are lying in Scott’s newly acquired boat, which he had not registered – it was still registered under the name of the man (Bruce Peterson, no relation to Scott) he had purchased it from. A boat that Laci has never been in despite Peterson’s lie that she knew all about the boat.

For Scott’s maiden voyage, he decides to drive 180 miles and 3 hours round trip for 30-40 minutes of actual ‘fishing time’ on the water. On Christmas Eve of all days.

He told investigators in a recorded interview that fishing was just ‘a last minute morning decision because it was too cold to golf.’ Yet he had a two-day fishing pass, lures, and a new fishing pole that he had purchased four days prior, on 12/20/2002. And indeed, he had filled in the dates himself for the 23rd and 24th of December. For his last minute fishing decision, Peterson had also been looking at the tides and currents in the San Francisco Bay of all places. He even researched the Berkeley Marina. Hm.

It is, of course, entirely a crazy coincidence that 3.5 months later, his missing wife and unborn son wash up in the San Francisco Bay. The exact place that Peterson went fishing for the first time in his life, 90 miles from home, and on the same day his pregnant wife disappeared. So now we are left with only two options here: Peterson murdered Laci, or someone framed him. That’s all there is to it.

Common sense will tell you that when framing someone, you usually plant the body in the location your target used for their alibi. You certainly don’t go there, weigh the body down in the bay, in the shipping channels, and hope it washes out to sea. You also don’t go through the effort to hide the body to the point of a rogue storm being the only thing that sends the hidden bodies to shore.
If Scott was framed, the real killers choreographed the impossible. They even got their target to lie to the police on how he cut his hand and destroy trace evidence with gasoline. How on earth did they pull that off? That was more coordinated than what Nicole Simpson’s alleged real killers managed to accomplish. They too got poor innocent O.J. to lie about cutting his hand as well, but they couldn’t get him to buy $13 in gasoline to dump it on the evidence as the “real killers” did in case of Scott Peterson.

What did Peterson do when the bodies of a female and baby wash up where he went fishing? Did he call police to inquire? No. Did he drive back to Modesto? Why, no. What about San Francisco? Once again: No. What he did was to decide to go golfing with his family in San Diego. Well, that’s what he said he did anyway. The day he was driving at high speeds near the Mexican border with $15,000 cash, four cell phones, knives, duct tape, tarps, rope, Viagra, several changes of clothes, an axe, water purifier, snorkeling gear, credit cards belonging to family members, his brother’s ID and more. The ID is all the more important, as Peterson had dyed his own hair to match the color of his brother’s on the ID, although, unsurprisingly, he claimed that his hair had coincidentally changed color when taking a dip in a friend’s swimming pool. All this he carried with him, to go golfing, except for this: Golf clubs. Or golf shoes for that matter. Nothing to do with golfing in the slightest, but everything to do with escaping and camping out in the wilderness for a spell.
I could go on forever with everything that Scott Peterson did and said to seal his own fate, but I believe by now you get the picture.

With only the two aforementioned options available as it pertained to a defense strategy, and the defense team incapable of pulling off the far-fetched framing scenario involving homeless people, Satanic cults, aliens or petty burglars, Scott Peterson was found guilty.
Most people had anticipated as much, mainly due to Peterson placing himself in the exact location where the bodies washed up on the exact day Laci and Conner went missing. This is incredibly tough evidence to overcome. In fact, in case of Casey Anthony, jurors had concluded they could not in good conscience convict her as they were unable to place her where the victim, her daughter, had been located.

So why should Johnny Depp supporters be concerned if Amber Heard were to hire Scott Peterson’s PR team and campaign organizers? Here’s why:

They are good, I mean really good, at social engineering. They can have Amber Heard looking like Mother Theresa in a matter of months, or alternatively however long it would take their friends and cohorts, TV producers Shareen Anderson and Po Kutchins, to once more toss aside their ethics to produce another turd-polishing mockumentary for them. A&E will merely get dollar signs in their eyes like they did with ‘The Murder of Laci Peterson’ and happily stream it. Who cares about integrity and truth, if there is money to be made?!
In 2017, The Peterson campaign team had worked with filmmakers to try and show that Scott got a raw deal. One journalist even referred to it as a ‘media payback’. You know, for what the media did to poor Scott Peterson. The…double murderer with the worst defense strategies since Jodi Arias.

Here is just some of the turd-polishing that Peterson’s PR team and his innocent campaigners were able to successfully do for Scott and why you should hope that Amber Heards team won’t call them up!

Turd #1 – Scott predicting his wife would be ‘lost’ two weeks before she went missing and was later found murdered.
Peterson PR team polished turd version:

Scott was a cheater, and just using a common lie that married men employ. His girlfriend Amber Frey had another married man use that same lie on her, too. See? Just because he’s a cheater doesn’t make him a murderer. If that were the case, there’d be a lot more murders taking place. How many of the men who used this ‘common excuse’ end up with murdered spouses though? That’s a question you’re not supposed to ask. Surprisingly, most Scott apologists don’t. They just repeat the campaign phrase to anyone who dares think Peterson is guilty.

Turd #2 – The bodies washing up 3.5 months later where Scott was fishing, the same day the victims went missing…90 miles away from their home.
Peterson PR Team polished turd version:

The burglars who robbed the house across from the Peterson home did it. Oh, wait. The burglary across from the Petersons’ home occurred on the 26th. Not on the 24th like we had shoved down our throats in the A&E series. The burglars not only took a polygraph test (which Peterson refused), and passed, but also told police where Ted Rowlands media van was parked in the dark early morning hours of the 26th, proving they were there, also proving that Peterson-parrot Mr. Rowlands wasn’t directly in front of the house and his head wasn’t on a swivel. What to do!? How can we blame the burglars now!? Let’s go through the 10,000 tips that came in and find something. We got it! It was the burglars’ friends!
A tip came in that a woman saw three short, dark skinned males outside the neighbors’ home on the 24th. But, well, both burglars were white. No one is ever going to look up the trial testimony and read how Officer Hicks cleared the burglars anyway, so let’s go with the excuse that the “dark skinned males” did it and stick to an altered version of the burglary theory. Regrettably, people don’t bother to look at or read anything longer than a TikTok video. Even your favorite podcasters are guilty of this. Yes, I’m talking to you, CrimeJunkies.
“The burglars did it” still survives today amongst those desperate to free Scott Peterson. Never mind the fact that the lawyers had the burglars in Redwood City, ready to testify in 2003. Scott’s lawyer didn’t even call them in. Better to let that remain a mystery. He doesn’t get paid the big bucks for nothing.

Turd #3 – Scott Peterson bringing his boat cover home, shoving it in a backyard shed and placing a leaf blower on top with the gas cap off, effectively and deliberately soaking the cover in gasoline to destroy evidence.
Peterson PR Team polished turd version:

Well, Twist the cadaver dog couldn’t do his job due to the gasoline, his handler said. Page 92 in Catherine Criers book, ‘A Deadly Game’ goes on to say that unless human remains were found, the shed would have needed to be aired out for at least a couple days. Even almost 1.5 years later, the jury remarked just how strong the remaining gasoline smell still was. No trace evidence could be found on the areas the forensics team tested.
So, how to polish this turd: First of all, we need to bury this one, and fast. We need to ascertain that people won’t talk about it in podcasts, documentaries or videos. Completely omit this one if you want to convince your audience he’s innocent, because there’s no reason an innocent man would do this. Destruction of evidence doesn’t look too good. Instead, the narrative simply became: “No Forensic evidence could be found!” It’s expertly lying with the truth, since a gasoline soaked cover doesn’t bring back any evidence.
Keep typing and/or yelling this new narrative at anyone who dares bring up the pesky gasoline soaked boat cover. That aside, Laci’s hair clamped in pliers is considered forensic evidence. But there’s excuses for this as well. Hair just falls everywhere, and automatically clamps itself deeply into the teeth of pliers. It happens all the time, I promise.
There was more circumstantial evidence in this one case alone than of the murders Ted Bundy was accused of, but that holds no significance as long as one robotically and loudly keeps shouting that there is no evidence. The more often you maintain a lie, the more people will internalize it, even if they have no knowledge of the case. Or perhaps particularly if they have no knowledge of the case.

Turd #4 – Peterson’s lies to the police, involving the claim that there was no electricity at the warehouse when police examined it on Christmas Eve, using their flashlights instead. More lies were added about how his vehicle’s door injured his knuckle that day, leaving trace evidence on it. There were also various untrue statements made to his girlfriend, to his family and friends, to…alright, we get it, let’s get to polishing.
Peterson PR team polished turd version:

Peterson only lied to and about his girlfriend Amber Frey and never lied to police about anything else. This – incorrect – sentiment is usually finished with the golden polished turd, ”He told no lies about murder.”
It works because, as stated previously, no one is going to bother looking up the recorded lies to law enforcement. No one will bother reading through the discovery, through thousands of pages of trial testimony and other publicly available documents and files.
Since there’s nothing to be done about the hundreds of lies Peterson told Amber Frey, we’ll just say he was worried about people finding out he was cheating, and so one lie naturally chased another. In fact, this was the campaigners strongest slogan: “Peterson was convicted for having an affair.” The jurors’ reasons, as laid out in their book, involving a mountain of evidence, doesn’t have to matter here. Spin, spin, spin, and make it all about the affair, work with people’s fears of possibly being convicted of moral crimes if they aren’t being careful enough. No one likes that idea because everyone has something to hide.

There are dozens more polished turds, so many, in fact, that I could write an entire book about them, but for the purpose of this blog post, I believe I’ve made my point. You see now what these spin doctors did for Scott Peterson. You don’t have to look too far to find some nitwit on YouTube asking “Is Scott Peterson innocent?” basing their clip on the Peterson PR series ’The Murder Of Laci Peterson’ on A&E. So yes, the spinning has worked, for twenty years, and it still works.
If they did it for a guy who’s obviously guilty of a capital crime, what do you think they could do for Amber Heard?
The Peterson PR Team would, of this I personally have no doubt, start with the fecal matter on the bed. In typical team Peterson fashion, you would hear “How do you know it wasn’t the yorkies? Here are three different experts we brought in, who will present to you a video of similar size yorkies and yorkie turds exactly likening the monster pile on the bed. See? Amber Heard was right.”
Of course, the video would be spliced and diced so you wouldn’t see the real dogs they brought in. Don’t believe me? Check out the spliced and diced ‘boat demonstration’ video the campaigners did for Scott Peterson I wrote about for CrimePiper. The count to “three” is cut out because they don’t want to show you all the water that splashed into the boat on the first two counts. As ridiculous as this sounds, there are people that actually fell for it. Luckily the judge did not and realized how obviously – and badly – staged the video was. To be fair, the judge allowed the defense team to do another demo with Peterson’s actual boat if the prosecution could watch. They declined.

So that’s it, folks. The only thing that could possibly save Amber Heard’s reputation now is the Scott Peterson PR Team – polishing turds since 2003.


Photo: Header image via Twitter.

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